
no mushroom Learn more about no mushroom

  • What is the classification standard of edible fungi?

    What is the classification standard of edible fungi?

    What is the classification standard of edible fungi?

  • Discussion on the main problems and causes of the cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Discussion on the main problems and causes of the cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus

    At present, the cultivation area of Pleurotus ostreatus in our city has exceeded 50 million packets, which is one of the main varieties of edible fungi in our city, and the cultivation prospect and benefit are good. The cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus can be cultivated year-round through cold storage and low temperature treatment. However, due to season, variety, medium, temperature treatment and improper water control, it often causes the death of mushroom or mushroom bud. Through years of cultivation practice, we explored and summarized the above problems for reference. At present, the main variety in our city is Xiuzhen mushroom introduced by Luoyuan from Taiwan.

  • Key points of Storage methods of Mushroom

    Key points of Storage methods of Mushroom

    Mushroom, also known as Agaricus bisporus, Agaricus bisporus, white mushroom or foreign mushroom, it is an umbrella family, mushroom genus, artificially cultivated edible mushroom vegetables. As a fruiting body (composed of umbrellas, pleats, rings and stalks) for consumption. Mainly produced in the south of the Yangtze River. The harvest begins 40 days after sowing, and can be harvested continuously and supplied to the market in stages. It is also cultivated in the Yangtze River basin and the northern region, and it is generally harvested twice in autumn and spring of the following year. (1) it is required to stop spraying water before harvest to avoid breaking mushrooms during harvest. The harvest standard should be

  • The reason why Pleurotus ostreatus does not produce mushrooms or produce mushrooms abnormally.

    The reason why Pleurotus ostreatus does not produce mushrooms or produce mushrooms abnormally.

    In the process of Pleurotus ostreatus cultivation, it is common that the mature mushroom bed does not produce mushroom for a long time, or after picking 1-2 tide mushroom bed, it is no longer normal to produce mushroom, the reasons are as follows: 1. the temperature of the material is on the high side. If there is no effect of lower temperature on the mature mushroom bed of mycelial culture, the temperature of the material decreases very slowly. If the feed temperature is higher than the temperature range of mushroom emergence, the primordium is not easy to occur, and this phenomenon is most common in low-temperature varieties planted in autumn. 2. The environment is uncomfortable. The ambient temperature of the mushroom bed is higher than that of the cultivated varieties.

  • Can straw mushrooms be stored in the refrigerator?

    Can straw mushrooms be stored in the refrigerator?

    Can straw mushrooms be stored in the refrigerator?

  • The reason and solution of no mushroom in volvariella volvacea

    The reason and solution of no mushroom in volvariella volvacea

    The reason and solution of no mushroom in volvariella volvacea

  • Can you grow Tricholoma? the planting technique of sheep dung of Tricholoma

    Can you grow Tricholoma? the planting technique of sheep dung of Tricholoma

    Tricholoma can be planted, temperature: the time of planting should be chosen, and the environment that is too hot or too cold is not suitable for mycelium culture. Strains: the hyphae are required to be white and dense, with good caking, uniform hyphae, no miscellaneous bacteria, and cut into moderate size.

    2020-11-08 Mushroom can plant Mo sheep dung technology abstract mushroom yes
  • Design of Mushroom House and Mushroom Bed

    Design of Mushroom House and Mushroom Bed

    1. Mushroom mushrooms can be cultivated in old houses, basements, bomb shelters and dry base cultivation rooms, plastic film houses and sugarcane field mushroom sheds. However, the mushroom house should meet the following requirements: (1) The mushroom house should face south, which is conducive to ventilation and winter

    2020-11-08 mushroom mushroom house and mushroom bed design
  • Mushroom double "show"

    Mushroom double

    The Horticultural Research Institute of the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences adopted single spore hybridization, single spore system selection and molecular assisted breeding techniques to develop a new brown Agaricus bisporus variety with low temperature tolerance, high quality and high yield, "Nangxiu No.1" and a new white Agaricus bisporus variety "Yingxiu No.1". It has been recognized by the first batch of edible mushroom varieties in the whole country. "Nangxiu No.1" is a new variety of brown Agaricus bisporus, with natural brown cover surface and white mushroom stalk and flesh. The mushroom quality is excellent, the fruiting body is round, the mushroom cover is thick, strong, not concave; the taste is delicious and tender. Because the mushroom cover is naturally brown, there is no need to make

  • Main Diseases and Control techniques of Pleurotus ostreatus in North China

    Main Diseases and Control techniques of Pleurotus ostreatus in North China

    1 symptoms of soft rot 1.1 the surface of the culture material or mushroom body is covered with a layer of white woolly fungus, slender but growing fast, and the gradually infected mushroom body spreads light brown morbid from the base of the fungus, and the mushroom body gradually soft rot; about a week after infection, the mushroom body loses automatically or falls down with a gentle touch, just like Chinese cabbage with soft rot, but the soft rot mushroom body has no smell. The growth rate of the mushroom body which is not yet soft rot is very slow, and the bacterial cap is gradually yellowish, lifeless and not bright, which is obviously different from the normal mushroom body; the infected material is no longer infected.

  • Can fungus plant mushroom and eggplant eat together be poisoned? Experts refute the rumor: unless you eat poisonous mushrooms!

    Can fungus plant mushroom and eggplant eat together be poisoned? Experts refute the rumor: unless you eat poisonous mushrooms!

    Mushrooms and eggplant are the vegetables we often eat in our lives, but there is news on the Internet that mushrooms and eggplant will be poisoned. Many friends kindly forward and spread, but many friends also wonder whether such rumors are true or false. How do we know

    2020-11-09 Fungi plants mushrooms together with eggplant eating poisoning experts
  • Wechat moments: are mushrooms rich in heavy metals?

    Wechat moments: are mushrooms rich in heavy metals?

    Wechat moments: are mushrooms rich in heavy metals?

  • Main cultivated varieties of Mushroom in China

    Main cultivated varieties of Mushroom in China

    1. The mushroom of mushroom strain 27962796 is round, scaleless, semimembranous, thick in cap and short in stalk. The tissue is strong, the bacterial fold is compact, the color is light, and there is no shedding phenomenon. It contains 90 grains of mushroom per kilogram, the water content of fresh mushroom is high, and the pre-cooking rate is 65%. The strain is suitable for secondary fermentation. The growth rate of mycelium is moderate and fast. More resistant to fertilizer, resistance and high temperature. The mushroom emergence period is 3-5 days later than that of common mushroom strains. The mycelium has strong soil climbing ability, strong kink force and high mushroom rate. Mushroom basic order

  • A New Variety of Pleurotus ostreatus-- Kangdi No.2

    A New Variety of Pleurotus ostreatus-- Kangdi No.2

    "Disease resistant No. 2" is a new wide-temperature Pleurotus ostreatus variety successfully bred by single spore hybridization. it has stable biological characters, strong resistance to miscellaneous bacteria, fast mushroom emergence, good mushroom shape, transportation resistance and high yield. It is an excellent strain on the market in autumn, winter and spring. Its main characteristics are as follows: 1. Resistance to yellow mushroom disease: in the environment where yellow mushroom disease or spot disease, dead mushroom and wilt mushroom occurred in the first tide-2 tide of other black varieties, "disease resistant No. 2" could produce mushroom continuously for 5 ~ 6 tides without any disease. 2. Resistance to heavy water: in the process of production management

  • The causes and control measures of the latest mushrooms and yellow mushrooms

    The causes and control measures of the latest mushrooms and yellow mushrooms

    The mushroom we call in daily life is a kind of fungus, also known as Agaricus bisporus, white mushroom, the appearance of which is white-gray after maturity, but many farmers appear the phenomenon of yellow mushroom when planting, and there are a lot of them. Yellow mushrooms mean that mushrooms are no longer fresh.

    2020-11-10 The latest mushrooms yellow mushrooms many reasons and prevention and control measures we
  • Classification Standard and processing Technology of volvariella volvacea

    Classification Standard and processing Technology of volvariella volvacea

    1. Grading standard of straw mushroom: 1. Classification of fresh mushroom: first class: perimeter of mushroom grain is 8ml 11cm, solid grain. Second class: the perimeter of mushroom granules is 6ml / 8cm, solid grains. Grade III: the perimeter of mushroom granules is 6ml / 8cm, and the prepuce is slightly cracked. Mushroom flower: the cracking of mushroom bud is not more than 0.5 cm. Outside the class: the perimeter of the mushroom grains is 5ml. 6cm, with some mushroom flowers. 2. Classification of dried mushrooms: cut head, no sediment impurities, mushroom noodle mouse gray or gray-white, mushroom meat white. Pleurotus ostreatus without opening film, water content up to 12%, fragrant

  • Section wood cultivation of Lentinus edodes-- standing wood to produce mushroom

    Section wood cultivation of Lentinus edodes-- standing wood to produce mushroom

    Mushroom wood after a summer and an autumn of careful management, the mycelium will enter the mature stage, before and after the Beginning of Winter can stand up wood, mushroom management. The signs of the development and maturity of the mycelium of mushroom wood are: there is no big difference between the epidermis of mushroom wood and felling, there is no miscellaneous bacteria, and the bark is close to the bark; it is struck with the back of a knife or fingers to produce a semi-turbid or voiced sound; the bark is soft, the subcutaneous xylem is yellow or yellowish brown, and has the flavor of Lentinus edodes; pressing the bark with your fingers is elastic and rough. And there is a protuberance in the shape of a tumor, which is a sign of mushroom, and sometimes there will be

  • The reason and solution of the latest Straw Mushroom not producing Mushroom

    The reason and solution of the latest Straw Mushroom not producing Mushroom

    Straw mushroom, also known as orchid mushroom and sesame mushroom, is very popular at home and abroad because of its delicious taste and rich nutrition, and it is also one of the main cultivated varieties of edible fungi. However, in the process of planting, there is often no mushroom, which seriously affects the yield of volvariella volvacea.

    2020-11-10 The latest straw mushroom do not come out mushroom reason and solution method
  • Cultivation techniques of Xiuzhen mushroom: how can Xiuzhen mushroom prevent and cure yellow mushroom disease?

    Cultivation techniques of Xiuzhen mushroom: how can Xiuzhen mushroom prevent and cure yellow mushroom disease?

    Xiuzhen mushroom how to control yellow mushroom disease? Please introduce the method Xiuzhen mushroom yellow mushroom disease is caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection, so that the fruit body discoloration and decay of the bacterial disease, generally the first tide mushroom incidence rate is higher. During the onset of the disease, mucinous pathogens appeared on the surface of the bag, and some hyphae showed yellowing symptoms, which were serious.

  • Cultivation techniques of Xiuzhen mushroom: how to manage the mushroom emergence period of Xiuzhen mushroom?

    Cultivation techniques of Xiuzhen mushroom: how to manage the mushroom emergence period of Xiuzhen mushroom?

    How to manage the mushroom emergence period of Xiuzhen mushroom? Please introduce the method for the management of the mushroom emergence period of Xiuzhen mushroom can refer to the following methods: Xiuzhen mushroom mycelia grow full bag and then continue to culture for 7 days, so that the hyphae reach physiological maturity, and the accumulated nutrients can be transported to the mushroom room to produce mushrooms. Out of the mushroom house should be easy to manage and be able to.
